Now Available wherever books and Ebooks are sold!

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Lizard Lick Gift Shop and Mini Museum

Located at the Lizard Lick Towing & Recovery office, our Gift Shop and Mini-museum is open Monday through Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday hours vary during the Summer & CLOSED Sunday at 2605 Hwy 97, Wendell, NC

Come visit.

Brand New YOUTUBE channel with everyday footage!

Download the "Lick Life" EP on itunes today!

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Ron Slone – Lizard Lick Public Relations Agent

For all booking inquiries, personal and public speaking engagements, preaching, appearance requests, women’s empowerment, health and fitness, book tours, charities, sponsorship, filming opportunities, Fairs, Festival, Outdoor Shows, Parades and other appearances

Email: Ron Slone

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Big Lizard Wisdom

Moon Rising, the end of the day or the beginning of the night? Different views, same scenery.  Moonlight is reflected sunlight.  What’s your reflection?

Favorite Verses

I am not as concerned with being right as I am with no being scared to be wrong

Dirt Word

To truly be protected you need to arm yourself with a vision


If a cat lands feet first, and butter toast always falls butter side down, what happens when you glue buttered toast to a cat’s back and toss them off a roof?


I’ll smack you so hard your tongue will wrap around your eye tooth and you won’t be able to see what you’re gonna say next.