Meet N Greets

A few pictures from our Meet N Greets with our fans.

Big Lizard Wisdom

There’s a world of difference in dancing with the devil and sleeping with him, because telling a man to go to hell and making him are two different ventures.

Favorite Verses

Only two people have given their life for you, Jesus and the American Soldier.  Thank one and pray to the other.

Dirt Word

Three-hundred sixty-five days in a year, earth going around the sun twenty-four hours in a day. One revolution of the earth, both scientific seven days in a week? Only in Genesis.


I learned something today. Every path has some puddles; some are just wider and deeper than others, so pull your pants up and wade through.


Best line in a movie “they’re almost like gods”. “Ma’am, there’s only one god, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.” – Captain America