Truckfest in Peterborough UK Gets LICKED Gallery 1


Big Lizard Wisdom

When playing chess just remember, just like life when the game comes to an end, the king and the pawn both return to the box togeather

Favorite Verses

Stop telling God to look how big your problems are, rather start telling your problems to look how big your God is

Dirt Word

My useless but true thoughts , hummingbirds can’t walk, elephants can’t jump, kangaroos can’ t jump backwards, and bees kill more folks than snakes.


Never let the things that you can’t change become the things that change you or you will spend more time looking back than you will moving forward


When you see one roach, there’s always fifty more you can’t see. So keep the lights on when dealing with those lower than snake snot, it tends to blind them.