Big Juicy

Big Juicy

Big Juicy is our front office assistant and Amy’s right hand woman. When it comes to running our day to day office duties and keeping everything peachy, she’s our girl. She takes care of The Lick and makes sure it stays nice and clean, and also makes sure the crazy customers don’t get to out of control. She’s tougher than a two-dollar steak, so don’t come around here acting up!

Big Lizard Wisdom

I just stood in line with a guy that is proof evolution can go in reverse. I guess that’s why we support bacteria, it’s the only culture some folks know.

Favorite Verses

Some folks just go through life riding a gravy train on biscuit wheels.  That’s why their always in the mustard just trying to ketchup.

Dirt Word

A best friend finds the best in your worst, some light in your darkness, love in your hate. They see past what you are to who you are. My wife’s my best friend.


Hatred is the strongest and deadliest disease.  Not only does it eat away at your heart and life, it allows you to destroy the life of those you hate.


People who have faith do not need a explanation for what’s going on. People who don’t have faith won’t believe any explanation you give them.