Swirly Earl

Swirly Earl

Swirly Earl is one of our repo agents/transporters. He gets the job done without any fuss or lip… and that’s why Ronnie likes him so much! He is also a pro-wrestler on the side so he is as entertaining a three eyed dog trying to herd blind chickens. He’s a great guy, who’s definitely one of a kind.

Big Lizard Wisdom

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Favorite Verses

Tomorrow to be unknown, yesterday to be forgotten, today to be determined. Make sure if you’re guessing, forgetting, or wondering, you’re at least doing.

Dirt Word

The man that said the pen is mightier than the sword had obviously never been stabbed with one.


There are two people in a marriage. One’s always right; the other’s always the husband.


When u wink at a married woman with her husband standing there, don’t whine when you can’t see out of that eye for 3 days due to signifcant swelling.