Cousin Johnny

Cousin Johnny

Cousin Johnny is a jack of all trades. He tries his best at repos and towing… however his strong suit is definitely running our merchandise booths at meet and greets. If you have been to one of our meet and greets, this is the guy you will remember. He completely turned his life around and has become a very intricate part of Lizard Lick Towing and one of Ronnie’s closest relatives !

Big Lizard Wisdom

You never truly learn to swear until you learn to drive and the more you complain the longer God makes you live

Favorite Verses

There’s a world of difference in dancing with the devil and sleeping with him, because telling a man to go to hell and making him are two different ventures.

Dirt Word

Scars are just tattoos with better stories. The title for my next book Google lizard tales for the current one. Its gooder than grits.


You know in the Lick, we’re so slick we can win a connect four game in just three moves and so stubborn that we could outstare the sun.


There’s two ways to spend life, you can build your dream or someone is going to hire you to build there’s